Why the Turtle?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The logo is based on the well-known fable of “The Tortoise and the Hare” displayed in the video above. Odds are, if you seek tutoring, you are a turtle. I know. That is hard to admit. No one wants to be the turtle. But guess what? The first step to significant change is to see and accept reality as it is. The rabbit is analogous to the people which everything seems to come easy to them; The people who do not need to study and they can just “wing it” to get an A. There is often a sense of arrogance that comes with being a rabbit and a sense of envy and victimhood with being a turtle. These attitudes do not serve either party. It is not useful to be jealous of the other rabbits out there; You still will be a turtle. But worse, you will be an envious and resentful turtle. 

Once you have accepted the fact that you are a turtle (because everyone is at some things), the only thing left to do is to work hard and work smart to get to the finish line. The beautiful thing about life is that human beings can learn. A small percentage of the population is truly limited when it comes to learning basic math. Unless you’re one of those people, there is no reason that you can’t learn basic multiplication or how to work with fractions. It is simply practice. The fact is, most rabbits are rabbits because they practiced A LOT over a long period of time. Geniuses from birth are just as rare as their opposites. 

The turtle in the logo serves as a reminder that learning math is for everyone. It is about constant practice. No one said it would be easy, but it is achievable. Compare yourself to the turtle you were yesterday instead of the other rabbits and maybe you will become one eventually. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a rabbit. In fact, I would argue the ideal scenario is to have the talent and ability of the rabbit while having the mindset of the turtle. Be humble, be brave, and you will be surprised as to what is to come. 

“Work patiently and persistently. And you are bound to be successful.” 

– Satya Narayan Goenka

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