How To Build Dynamic Axes in Desmos

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why use Desmos’ default x and y axes when you can build your own? Check out this graph to get started.

Step 1 – Remove Default Axes

Make sure to uncheck the default x and y axes. You should have a blank graph if you also uncheck the grid.

Step 2 – Create New Axes

Add a horizontal line for the x-axis and a vertical line for the y-axis. Setting them equal to sliders will allow you to move the axes if needed.

Step 3 – Add Some Ticks & Labels

You can create a list in Desmos by using square brackets. In our example, we started at -10 and went in increments of 2 until we reached 10.

In line 8 of the graph, we actually draw the ticks by restricting the height of the vertical lines.

We can adjust the size of our axis labels by creating a slider.

Congratulations!!! You have created dynamic axes in Desmos!

Step 4 – Share the Wealth

Make sure to share your discoveries with the world. Someone somewhere will almost surely benefit from it. You reading this sentence is proof of it!

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